Web Application for Calculation of Properties of Beam Cross-Section of Arbitrary Shape
The application solves multiple Boundary Value Problems of 2-D Laplace equation with Dirichlet & Neumann boundary conditions using Finite Element Method
User Guide
Enter Nodal Coordinates
0 0 1.44 0 1.44 0.39 3.75 2.7 1.44 5.01 1.44 5.4 0 5.4 0 5.01 -2.31 2.7 0 0.39 1.44 1.15 2.99 2.7 1.44 4.25 0 1.15 -1.55 2.7 0 4.25
Enter Boundary Connectivity
1,2,0 2,3,0 3,4,5 5,6,0 6,7,0 7,8,0 8,9,10 10,1,0 13,12,11 11,13,0 16,14,0 14,15,16
Area = 16.992 CG = 0.720, 2.700 Ixx = 36.726 Iyy = 40.468 Ixy = 0.000 Major Axis = 90.000 deg (CW from X+) Minor Axis = 0.000 deg (CCW from X+) I @ major axis = 40.468 I @ minor axis = 36.726 Torsion Constant = 69.887 Shear Corr. Factor (major axis) = 1.479 Shear Corr. Factor (minor axis) = 1.970 Shear Center along major axis = 0.000 Shear Center along minor axis = 0.000 Warping Constant = 0.681